Keely's Korner Intro

Hey welcome to "Keely's Korner" blog by: Keely Williams, if you take a look around you can pretty much get a hold of what my blog is all about. FUN! I hope you all enjoy, Keely Williams ♥

Friday, December 31, 2010

Disco Nails!

Hi everyone!
 For my first craft on my blog I'd like to do this one I did with a couple of friends a few months ago. It is deceivingly easy and enormously cute! These are a great idea for all of you fashionistas who MUST get noticed ♥

1. First, you’re going to want to clip, file and clean your nails to perfection. (Dirty nails don't hold polish as well as clean ones do, and they just look EW)

2. Next take a quick jump to the store and grab a packet of nail glitter. (I got a 12 pack. in the craft isle for cheaper than the 1 little box in the beauty section.) They come in dozens of colors so take your pick.

3. Add a coat of clear fingernail polish to the nail (this makes it so the glitter sticks to the nail) and pour a little glitter on top. Shake off access glitter on to a piece of paper. (The paper is so you can pour the extra glitter back in to the container. Why waste it?) Your going to want to do this quickly because if the clear polish dries before the glitter is added it will not stick, so it's best to do 1 nail at a time.

4. After all of your nails have been drowned in glitter, let them sit for 15 min. (this makes it so the glitter has a lesser chance of flaking off)

5. Once your nails have had an opportunity to dry, add another coat of clear polish on top (this acts as a barrier to keep the glitter on longer)

And voila! You have party perfect nails (I told you it was easy right?) The pic above is what mine looked like when we were done, but trust me, the picture does not do them justice, they were blinding when I was done!!!

NOTE: The smaller the size of the glitter the better. This way, if a peice of glitter comes off its less noticeable ♥