Keely's Korner Intro

Hey welcome to "Keely's Korner" blog by: Keely Williams, if you take a look around you can pretty much get a hold of what my blog is all about. FUN! I hope you all enjoy, Keely Williams ♥

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fabulous Fabric Necklace

Hey all! Today I'm going to show you how to make a fabric necklace! I have seen these for $50+ so I'm sure you won't ubject to making one for less than $10.

1/4 yard cotton fabric
3 feet ribbon cut in half
Decorations (I used glue-on gems but you could also use buttons or ribbon ect.)

Step 1. First you are going to need to make a pattern. (I just cut a rough shape out of folded newspaper and trim it as needed)

Step 2. Now, pin the pattern to the fabric and cut it out (remember to cut slightly farther away from the pattern so you have room for the seam)

Step 3. Now, flip the fabric so that the 2 printed sides are on the inside and pin the whole gig together. Sew around the outside (leaving the places for the ribbon and a turning place un-sewn)
 Flip right-side out.

Step 4. Iron it flat (this will make sewing up the open space easier)

Step 5. Turn the turning place in and iron it. Sew it shut and continue sewing untill you have reached the beginning point again (make sure not to sew over the places for the ribbon) stuff a pice of ribbon in to each opening. Sew over ribbon to keep it in place.

Step 6. Glue or sew on decorations.

Ta da! You'r marvelous necklace is done!! I hope you all love your jewlery With Love, Keely's Korner♥

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